Greg Charles Bowen - Online Memorial Website

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Greg Bowen
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Kathleen Becce
Dear Greg,
    I'm sure if we had lived closer while growing up, we would have shared more fun times like we had in Dallas.  I'll never forget the mall & all the unsuspecting victims of the woopie cushion you bought that day! The poor cashier, she must have turned 3 shades of red !  Going to the movies - I believe  the first "Star Wars" was showing.  And all of us cousins sleeping in one room on mattresses!  That was a wonderful visit.
    It was great to see you at Nancy & Mario's wedding.  I'll miss you.  Cheryl, praying for you, Aunt El, Uncle Maury & my cousins.  Put in a good word for me, Greg.
Love, cousin Kathy
Mike Graveline



I have so many great memories of Greg. The little bro keeping track of his sisters to playing Frisbee at Brooklyn school to 3 am on some nights. Greg always had the time to just say hi or just smile to let you know he was there. His zest for life was something I’ll never forget. His love for Cheryl even back in our high school days was discussed very often. But, i never told a sole. cause Greg ask me to keep it to myself. When Bill Hoss Jr. told me of Greg and Cheryl's marriage i was so very happy deep down inside. (Even Billy didn't know of Greg's love for Cheryl). I said to myself " Well, God does work in so many wonderful ways.


To Cheryl i would like to say. I am very sorry for your loss. But, God and the heavens received one of the best angels on earth. You and Greg were just meant to be together.


To Stacey mad Thera, you are still held close to my heart to this day and that will never change. You were both like sisters to me. And that i will cherish forever.


To Billy (my buddy), Lisa and Derek... I was deeply saddened to hear of Greg's passing. If there is anything i can do. Please feel free to contact me.


To the Bowen and Hoss families, our deepest sympathy goes out to all of you.






Diana Carver

I learned of Greg’s death today. Shock. Despair. Disbelief. Sadness.

Blackbird singing in the dead of the night…

His genuine warmth. He saw the individual without judgment. He accepted you perfectly where you were, yet could challenge you to grow in a loving supportive way with just the right words.

Take these broken wings and learn to fly…

I’ll always remember Greg as being true to who he was, not what others were striving to be or what others thought he should be. He was Greg. A man of many journeys. A man who embraced life as an adventure.

All your life…

I had the pleasure and honor of being friends with Greg and Cheryl in High School. I lost touch with both of them after High School. Cheryl and I reconnected about nine years ago and have tried to stay in touch. I remember hearing how Greg and Cheryl reconnected and fell in love…and were married… and lived a life of love and adventures! These two were perfect together. He seemed to be her rock. Her anchor. They complimented each other. His Yang to her Yin.

You were only waiting for this moment to arise…

Greg loved her completely. I saw her treasure that love and return it in kind. What a gift their life together, shared completely, yet ended to soon.

Blackbird fly…

I love you, Greg. Thank you for being my friend. Years and space could never separate the bond of our friendship. Like my friendship with Cheryl we could always just seem to pick it up where it left off. I am so grateful for that and for our time and experiences shared.

Blackbird fly…

Thank you for being Phillip’s friend as well. We’ll never forget our time with you guys in San Diego or the M-5 (even though he wishes I would!)

Into the light of the dark black night…

See you on the other side.

Allie Stack

Dear Uncle Greg,

It's still so unreal to me that you're really gone. You were and still are the most amazing person i've ever met. I know you'll always be right here, i'll always hear you in my head saying "Come on, do it ! No one will ever know !" haha. It was incredible how no matter what happened you always lived your life to the fullest, taking advantage of the good times and making the bad times better. I remember in Arizona when you put the cheetos in your nose and blew them at us while all the parents were yelling at you. Haha you fit in so well with us kids. You'll always be here in my heart, in everyones heart, and someday we'll all be together again. You left too soon, and its not fair. i'll always miss you and i'll always love you.




Grinchy........I'm smiling, again. Thanks for the memories.

Cheryl...... We'll see him again, and smile.

Love ya both,


P.S. Hey Buddy! Save me a seat or stub me down front!!!


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